
 Dr. med. dent Oliver Gebhardt Dental Practice in Wiesbaden.

Directions, Maps directions to Dr. Oliver Gebhardt dental practice in WiesbadenOur dental practice is located in the historic center of Wiesbaden (Altstadt) and is easy to reach by car as well as by public transport. If you need help finding us, we are always available to help and advise 🙂 .

 Calculate your personal journey using our  Routenplanner  directions to our practice.

Important note about the parking spaces

If you come to us by car, you can park in the Luisenplatz parking garage.

However, we cannot guarantee that there will always be enough parking spaces available. Therefore, as a precaution, please always remember to include sufficient time buffer for a possible search for a parking space in your arrival planning.

Thank you for your understanding!

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Bus Stop Luisenplatz:

line 5, 14, 15,17, 18, 23, 24, 27, 30, 45, 47, 48 

Bus Stop Luisen-Forum:

line 3, 6, 16, 22, 28, 33 N7

Dental practice Dr. med. dent Oliver Gebhardt on Google Maps
Google Maps city map (very interactive city map with satellite images and route planner function)

Complete directions to our dental practice Dr. Oliver Gebhardt in Wiesbaden to download and print.

Do you have any questions? Please call us: (0611) 30 41 85  or send us an email, use our contact form.


Yours Dentist Dr. med. dent Oliver Gebhardt platz