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(0611) 30 41 85
FAQS about children dental care
Your child should see the dentist around the time their first tooth erupts or when they are 1 year old. A child’s first dental cleaning is usually recommended when most of the baby teeth have erupted, between 12 to 36 months.
Twice a year
After your child’s first visit, you should start going for regular dental checkups every six months or twice a year.
An estimated 42% of children between the ages of two and 11 have caries in their primary teeth. Early childhood caries, i.e. caries between birth and 71 months, affects 28 % of children.
Baby toothpaste for 0 to 2 years, toddler toothpaste from 2 to 5 years, children’s toothpaste 5 to 9 years, junior toothpaste 9 to 12 years. Adult toothpaste can be used from about 12 years old.
Please remember that your child needs your help to brush their teeth properly and spit out the paste residue instead of swallowing it!
Yes! Milk contains a lot of sugar, so please do not drink any more milk after brushing your teeth.
FAQs about Prophylaxis
We recommend that you visit once every 6 months for a cleaning. This way we can take a look at your teeth and let you know if there is anything that needs to be treated, such as cavities, gingivitis, etc….
We recommend frequency dental care visit based on your specific risk factors for gum disease (periodontitis) and to prevent tooth loss.
You may be at a higher risk for gum disease if you:
- have diabetes
- smoke cigarettes
- have a family history of gum disease
The best way to keep teeth healthy between cleanings is to maintain good oral hygiene. This includes brushing your teeth twice a day for 4 minutes, flossing and using interdental brushes.
FAQs about Tooth Bleaching
Disorders of enamel formation can be inherited, caused by injury or violence, or be due to poor nutrition. Let us advise you whether there is a solution. It may also be advisable to have veneers fitted.
Teeth whitening is a simple and safe method to lighten dark and yellow teeth. Even stains that can be caused by heavy smoking, drinking tea and red wine or even “taking medication” are removed by bleaching. There are different bleaching methods. What they all have in common is that active oxygen in various concentrations lighten the enamel.
In so-called home bleaching, a dental splint is made that the patient applies bleaching gel to and wears at night. “We strongly advise against this procedure. Bleaching belongs in professional hands!”
Tooth whitening, also called bleaching, belongs in “professional hands, i.e. in the dental practice”. Here, the teeth are whitened professionally, i.e. all application instructions for tooth whitening are observed as a matter of course. The gums are protected by a special rubber sleeve (or other insulating material). This cover prevents the bleaching gel from coming into contact with the gums, so there is no risk of damage when used properly. The tooth enamel is also not affected. However, the prerequisite is always: teeth and gums are healthy before the whitening therapy and the whitening is not performed too frequently.
Some patients report increased tooth sensitivity after teeth whitening therapy. This effect can be remedied by fluoridation.
Vor der Aufhellungstherapie ist eine professionelle Zahnreinigung unerlässlich. Hier werden neben dem Zahnbelag auch bereits oberflächliche Zahnverfärbungen entfernt. Erst dann wird das Bleaching durchgeführt. Eine realistische Prognose für die Zahnaufhellung ist, dass die Zähne nach der Aufhellung 1 bis 2 Stufen heller auf der Farbskala sind.
Der Erfolg der Behandlung hängt u.a. von der häuslichen Zahnpflege ab. Auch die Ernährung und der Konsum von z.B. Nikotin, Teein oder Rotwein können sich wieder negativ auf die Zahnfarbe auswirken, so dass eine Aufhellung
FAQs about Veneers
No, they are still your own teeth, they are just partially coated with ceramic. This ceramic material has largely identical physical properties to natural tooth enamel, i.e. not only the optical properties, but also the surface texture, thermal conductivity and thermal expansion behavior correspond to those of a natural tooth. Therefore, this material is not perceived as foreign. The fact that it takes some time after treatment to get used to the new situation is rather due to the minor changes in the shape of the tooth that are often associated with it for esthetic reasons.
Although veneers can be manufactured very thinly nowadays, grinding of the teeth is usually unavoidable, even if it is extremely minor compared to a crown, for example. In this respect, a veneer restoration is practically always associated with a loss of natural tooth substance. In contrast, the advantages – namely beautiful teeth – must be carefully weighed up in every case. On the other hand, it should be taken into account that natural tooth substance is also removed with every new filling, often significantly more than is lost with a veneer preparation.
A veneer restoration is basically not cheap and, as everywhere, there are of course great differences in quality, workmanship and material, accordingly the prices also differ. Ultimately, the overall result depends largely on the experience and art of the practitioner, taking into account all factors for each individual patient from the sum of the possibilities to achieve the optimal individual aesthetic result. As is so often the case, the rule is: “You get what you pay” and a first-class, individual aesthetic treatment will always be significantly more expensive than a 08/15 mass-produced treatment. However, because veneer restorations are made in most cases to achieve an aesthetic improvement, you should think twice before settling for a second- or third-rate restoration just to save money. That is why we calculate the costs individually depending on the effort. Please speak with us.
As with all cosmetic procedures and most dental treatments, health insurance does not normally cover the treatment costs. We recommend a special supplementary dental insurance for this. We are also happy to offer the possibility of payment in installments. Please ask us.
FAQs about Implants
Practically everyone – however, a fully grown jawbone is an important prerequisite. For this reason, implants are not normally used in patients under the age of 18.
The costs can vary depending on the complexity of the treatment and the number of implants. The treatment and cost plan, which you will receive from your dentist before treatment begins, will provide you with precise information.
There are very high-quality dental implants, but also inferior designs.
Differences exist in the design, implant shape and surface, among other things. The implant material and the manufacturing process can also influence the quality. Ask your dentist about the implant that will be used. Quality implants are based on decades of scientific clinical experience and are manufactured with the highest precision.
Professionally placed quality Implants are more durable than natural tooth roots and can in principle last a lifetime with appropriate hygiene and aftercare.
Your gums will likely be a little tender for the first few days, and eventually your cheek may swell temporarily. However, most patients do not need a pain pill the next day.
Yes, under certain conditions it is possible to place an implant in the fresh wound
immediately after tooth removal (immediate implant placement).
In most cases, you will receive a temporary restoration. In some cases, however, the final prosthesis can be attached directly to the implants.
On the day of the prosthetic restoration, a detailed individual hygiene consultation takes place.
You can bite, eat, talk and laugh with them as before. Your implant-supported denture rests so firmly in that you can feel completely secure.
There are very high-quality dental implants, but also inferior designs. Differences exist in the design, implant shape and surface, among other things. The implant material and the manufacturing process can also influence the quality. Ask your dentist about the implant that will be used. Quality implants are based on decades of scientific clinical experience and are manufactured with the highest precision.