

Periodontology for your dental health

Periodontology is the study of the periodontium and deals with the components of the tooth that hold it in the jaw. The component that is best known, because unfortunately it also causes the most problems, is the gum. If this becomes inflamed because bacteria are not removed well enough, it is called periodontal disease. Periodontal disease is a disease that does not heal by itself and can have serious consequences. If left untreated, it will eventually lead to tooth loss.

As experts in your dental health, we at Luisenplatz are of course highly trained in the field of periodontology and have the latest knowledge. Using the most modern treatment methods, we can effectively treat even existing periodontal disease. Here, too, we use laser technology. The dreaded pain of periodontal treatment can thus be minimized and the harmful bacteria can be combated much better and, above all, more sustainably with the laser. So if you experience bleeding gums – please do not hesitate and make an appointment in our practice so that we can tackle the problem together. Of course, we will also support you in your application for periodontal treatment with your health insurance.

Once again in a nutshell – because it is so important:

Suspicion of periodontosis? Make an appointment.
  • Periodontal disease is caused by bacteria
  • The gums become inflamed and retract
  • A first symptom can be bleeding gums
  • If left untreated, periodontal disease usually leads to tooth loss
  • Good dental hygiene and regular check-ups are important

And so that you don’t have to keep track of the appointments yourself, we will be happy to remind you if you wish. Let us include you in our Recall System!